Monday, June 15, 2015

Rita's Gelati at Rita's Italian Ice, UP Town Center

There are several choices available at Rita's.  Unfotunately, I can't remember all of them!  I should really learn to remember to take more pictures for more details to post in this blog.

Anyways, we ordered Gelati - Italian ice topped with soft ice cream.

To order this:
     Step 1- Choose between Regular or Large size.  I chose regular for P130.00.
     Step 2 - Choose the flavor of your Italian ice.  Italian ice is basically frozen flavored water usually
                  from fruits or fruit juices.  I didn't bother to take a taste test.  I chose the most attractive
                  color to me which is red.  Red is cherry flavor :p
     Step 3 - Choose the flavor of your soft ice cream.  I chose vanilla, a neutral flavor, to balance the
                   taste of my Gelati.
     Step 4 - Pay for your order.

Step 5:  Enjoy your gelati and take selfies :p

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